How Zero Trust Works

Zero Trust works by implementing a security framework that assumes no user or system within the network is trusted by default. Instead, it continuously verifies and validates user identities, devices, and applications before granting access to sensitive data or systems.

By incorporating encryption, secure email practices, and endpoint hygiene checks into its strategy, Zero Trust helps organizations mitigate potential risks posed by both external threats and insider attacks.

The shift from traditional network security models to Zero Trust reflects the growing complexity of modern cybersecurity threats. With organizations increasingly relying on cloud technologies and remote work environments, the perimeter-based security approach no longer adequately protects against sophisticated cyber attacks. Zero Trust emphasizes continuous monitoring and validation of user privileges and attributes, ensuring that access is granted based on current information rather than outdated assumptions about trustworthiness. By implementing a Zero Trust architecture, organizations can enhance their overall cybersecurity posture, reduce the risk of data breaches, and better protect their digital assets in an ever-evolving threat landscape.

More info: What is Zero Trust

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